We are looking for creators of new ideas and tastes!


Atlantic Grupa is a company that creates new value for its shareholders and the economy, career opportunities for its employees, and business opportunities for its partners. Full of care for all our stakeholders, always open to new ideas, focused on growth, and passionate about our work – all of this is why Atlantic Grupa keeps creating brands that consumers love. Our vision is to inspire people to add flavour to everyday moments.

Values that have worth!

By fostering OPENNESS to new ideas, an insatiable PASSION for all things better, new, and unexplored, we GROW together day after day. Our secret ingredients include curiosity, love, and CARE for ensuring the well-being of all our colleagues, partners, and customers, as well as those who are yet to discover us.

Get to know our values

Values we cherish


Because we always strive for progress, we never lose our appetite for constant and stable growth. We leave our comfort zone, always hungry for new challenges, we strive for the growth of our brands, markets and profits, as well as the development of the potential of our employees.

From Atlantic employees

Violeta Rakić, Occupational Health and Safety Specialist

"I am glad to be working for a company that has been continuously growing since I joined back in 1994. There are always new and innovative things to learn about and expand your horizons. I have worked at different positions within the company, from which I have learned a lot. To this day, I have gotten to know a lot of different people. All of us are growing and maturing together with the company."

Sara Bačvarova, Junior SAP Specialist

"It goes without saying that all of us want to keep learning and moving forward. We want to feel included and grow in a business environment. This is essentially how I would describe the atmosphere in the company, and I am sure others would too."

Jelica Sinđelić, SAP Specialist

"If you are open to new knowledge and new challenges, and you work hard over the years, then it is just a matter of time before you achieve growth. This is, in a nutshell, how I first went from distribution to IT. So, for the first three years, I engaged in work organization and distribution processes, and then I decided to pursue IT."


It's not just a matter of what we do, but how we do it. Like a special spice, the passion with which we refine our work makes the difference and helps achieve better results. Commitment is the secret ingredient that makes our products better and the future brighter.

From Atlantic employees

Vida Kos, Category and Brand Manager

"You can’t find your place if you’re not passionate about your work. We manage marketing for one of the biggest brands in the region. Without passion or a sense of belonging, you can’t make a real contribution. The company is fortunate in this sense, and the results show it."

Majda Berislavić, Head of Marketing Promotions

"You won’t find joy in your work if you’re not passionate about it. You’re simply killing time. I believe passion is one of the major virtues and values of Atlantic."

Mirsad Seferaj, Key Account Manager

"We are constantly driven by our passion to achieve business goals in good times and in times of difficulty. It is what gets us out of our comfort zone and helps us to keep improving, developing, learning, and growing together with our brands and our company in the market, and to share the joy of success with our colleagues at the end of the week, month, quarter, or year."


We are an organization that cares - we care about each other, look after the well-being of our colleagues, nurture business relationships and take care of the kind of world we leave for future generations.

From Atlantic employees

Špela Cocej Minatti, Regional Brand Building Manager

"Out of all the companies I have worked at, this is where I feel the safest, and that is thanks to the visible care for the employees, consumers, and partners. It is a part of the company’s culture, and the company embodies these values."

Siniša Kovačević, Key Account Manager

"I think that today, and especially following the pandemic, the company emphasises care, which has been proven essential. Care and safety within the company give everyone the freedom to be even more creative, proactive, and innovative. When employees see that the company has their back, it allows them to realise their full potential."

Predrag Zlatar, Senior SAP Specialist

"Atlantic did not stay on the sidelines. When the floods happened, the company helped those at risk, and when COVID-19 hit, it helped each country in the fight against the pandemic, so I value the care and attention it has shown to the community."


Whatever we do, we never stop being curious, always fearless (and learn from mistakes!) and thirsty for fresh ideas and new experiences. We embrace a diversity of approaches and different opinions knowing that they will lead us to better solutions to everyday tasks and challenges.

From Atlantic employees

Milutin Šćepanović, HR Controlling Specialist

"What struck me is the openness and communication. When I first came to Atlantic, whenever I had a question or didn’t understand a certain task or report we had to do, I could always turn to my manager or colleagues without any apprehension. I could always send them an email or ask them if I happened to run into them. Even though we are a large company, we are a close-knit family that communicates freely."

Predrag Zlatar, Senior SAP Specialist

"A good SAP consultant always needs to be ready and willing to learn, as well as not be afraid of the unknown and to tackle challenges head-on because things are changing non-stop. Problems change all the time, and there needs to be an automatic reaction. You need to realise that things don’t always work out on the first, or even the 17th, try, and know to never stop learning."

Jana Marinković, Junior Analyst

"There are five of us in the department, all women, which is really rare. I never thought I would have a close personal and business relationship with my female colleagues. There are no no-go topics that we can’t talk about. Besides, all of them have taught me something that I will carry with me forever. Workplaces that feel like home are something that, I think, everyone is looking for in their career."

The opportunity is on the table, choose yours!

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